Sunday, March 30, 2008

Phantasy Star: Nero’s Story

Waking inside the barracks of the Space Corps Nero looked across the dim room, that yielded beds spaced about two meters apart filled with shadows of the resting pilots and base staff. The rest of the room was stark and had only the personal affects at the end of the beds. At either end of the room were doors.
Nero woke up his friends Odin and Larissa and they started to talk about the days mission. As Beta Team they were to escort the aides of King Lassic to the western hemisphere of Dezoris while following Alpha Team who was to escort the King.
Suddenly the commanding officer Lt Graham, a balding, taut and hardened man, barged through the door raised his left arm to his brow and bellowed, “Everyone up! Get your craft ready for launch NOW!”
The room begins to teem with activity with pilots and ground staff alike dressing in their jumpsuits and coveralls in hasty but practiced movements.
During the commotion, Larissa weakly raised her arm and mimicked the actions of the lieutenant in a mocking tone. Which made the room feel lighter.
The Palman Spaceport had towering beige ceramic based walls that enclosed the various towers, hangers and assorted support buildings. It had three launch pads with which to send larger craft and a runway for the smaller one-two man craft.
Odin headed in the direction of the hangers to help prepare the loading of the various supplies and assorted armaments for the escorts and transports.
The bearlike blonde haired strongman began to shift the crates; from the back of his legs he felt a large push. He stared at what had pushed his legs and saw the local musk cat, Myau. The large yellow cat looking creature had long ears like a rabbit and can understand and speak human speech. He gave Odin a quizzical look and said, “How can I help out?”
Odin replied, “Can you check those crates over there for parasites?”
To which Myau said, “Ooooh Yummy Parasites!”, “Don’t eat too many, no need to get fat. You know how Commander Meir is about it.”, “Yeek, I hate it when she pinches my cheeks. I’ll just have to pour some anti-contaminant on them if I find them then.”
Once loading was completed, the pilots came onto the forecourt. Two people came striding hand in hand in flight suits, the first a man with blue short styled hair, slightly muscled and of medium build, the second a tall women with shoulder height red hair, lips that seem slightly larger than normal and three moles on her left cheek and light green eyes.
Larissa and Nero came to the ship receiving a barrage of teasing shouts about the cockpit becoming a love nest. They just took it in as a matter of course.
They strode up to a two seat cockpit and jumped in. Nero took weapons and Larissa took navigation.
After final clearance they took off and navigated to the rendezvous point.
Upon reaching the rendezvous point they saw a strange ship come up to the Royal convoy. After waiting for an hour suddenly Alpha squadron was called in to the strange ship. Following an hour the aide’s convoy was escorted back to base.
They went back to the barracks.
“Hey! Isn’t it taking a while for alpha squadron taking a while to get back?” said Larissa. “Yeah, they are” replied Nero.
Odin came in a little later and said to them that he had heard that they had been sent to the Dezoris surface.
A week later new tariffs started for all off-world trade affecting private traders. New security also came into place around the palace, public audiences were no longer allowed with the King. Who had apparently joined some form of new religion recently. Believers in the promoted religion seemed to be building something close to Baya Malay on Palma.
Nero and Larissa got married in a local Church with Nero’s sister, Alis, being the bridesmaid.
However the cost of living was increasing significantly. Unrest had started to brew in the cities over the difficulty of surviving. Homeless were put out of the cities, and weren’t seen again. Some claimed the creatures in the wilderness were changing, becoming more aggressive and may be killing those put out. Others speculated it was related to the new tower built in Baya Malay. The unrest that did grow was stamped out mercilessly by the Robotcops.
Sometime later a Palman fighter from Alpha squadron came in on an uncleared landing on the runway that was successful if a little jagged. It was Lt Graham, he seemed….lifeless.
Later he came to the barracks in the dead of night. He walked almost lost to Nero, sagging with an unnatural weariness. He whispered to Nero, “Our King has been corrupted by a religious group that worships some Falz demon or something. Alpha squadron never made it back to Dezoris.”, “How do you know that?”, “I was at the ritual. The priests claimed to be able to give our King immortality, but at what cost….They sacrificed Alpha squadron to that Falz monster to give the King some special armour”, “That’s terrible, how did you escape?”, ”I didn’t really, they had more than required, most of my body has been drained of it’s essence, I found that I could pierce that special armour of theirs with my Lacanian Dagger, but it got lodged in one of them….I’m afraid I will be dead soon….We never had a conversation you hear!”
With that the lieutenant walked wearily out of the room. Nero never did see him again.
He spoke to Odin and Larissa about what the lieutenant had said and they agreed something had to be done. Larissa had a grandmother on Dezoris who had a Lacanian Axe. So she would go and get that. Once she had it she would get it to Odin and then Nero and Odin would go after King Lassic.
However due to the new security measures the guards already knew of their plans.
Larissa was able to get the Lacanian Axe, but was detained and taken to a medical research facility. Subsequently Nero broke her out with the help of Myau and grabbed a bottle of Alsulin to stop her body from changing. Odin had hidden inside a cave near Camineet after beating off a Robotcop.
Nero took her to Alis’ house and decided to meet up with Odin. The Robotcops came around and Larissa and Myau fled to the caves where Odin was.
Larissa’s body had gradually changed into a Medusa. Her fingers were too large to open the medicine bottle around Myau’s neck. When she came up to Odin, she held the Lacanian Axe to give to him. He thought she was a monster and tried to kill her, but was turned to stone as his gaze touched hers. Abandoning herself to grief she let the final part of her humanity die to be given to the last of the beast within.
After realising what had happened Myau fled, but was taken in as a stray by a local trader.
The Robotcops shot Nero and left him for dead in the street in front of Alis’ home. His sister Alis came by his side in his final moments and he told her about the corruption of their King. On his death she pledged her vengeance by his sword.

This is It =S

Ok guys and girls this is my story so far its unfinished quite rough but its about all im got up to I dont wanna rush it cause it might end up crap and i dont wanna destroy something ive worked so hard on (btw this is the piece of writing ive done in 5years).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Final Fanfict Story/Chapter

By the end of this week (Friday - week 4) each member of this group will need to post their final fanfict story, chapter, etc (800 wds approx) on this blog. Make sure that you also provide indepth comments on the final story/chapter of others in your group.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tomb Raider The Realm of Maui

Tomb Raider

"The Realm of Maui" Join Lara as she explores the land of the long
white cloud, Aotearoa. Discover the secrets that
lie in the myths and legends of Maui.
What is Tombraider?
Episode New Zealand

What is Tomb Raider?

Place your comments!
Tell me what you think!

Main Area of Series

Gnome leader

This is a gnome warlock although not a male one still the same race and class as the gnome leader commanding the gnome army

this is a furblog they are a shamatic race i dont think this will b the exact colour furblog we will b using but its the only pic i cud find but it still a good visual add =)